Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Hello everyone! A hearty Ramadan Mubarak to everyone celebrating Ramadan this year all over the world. I hope that wherever you are, your worship, prayer and charity is accepted and rewarded and may all your hardships ease, Ameen.

Today, I have something for you all that I've been working on for a while. This is especially helpful for reverts (people who have just entered into the fold of Islam) and young children who are more inclined to learning when they have a clear guideline and something they can refer back to as many times as they want. Think of them as Ramadan flashcards :D

For those who aren't Muslims and are unaware about the month of Ramadan, this is a when Muslims all over the world fast for a complete month for several reasons. One of the main reasons is to empathize with the poor and understand what poverty feels like by abstaining from food and drink. Other reasons are spreading peace and charity to the needy (which is obligatory) and focusing more on worshiping God to attain reward. This is also the month where the reward for good deeds are multiplied so avoiding everything that is bad and enjoining love and forgiveness becomes a priority for every Muslim who wants to make the best use of this holy month.

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Free Ramadan Printables: Checklist, Reminders and more! #free #printables #ramadan #islam #eid #planner #checklist #fasting #prayer

Within this Ramadan package, you'll find six set of printables:

1. Daily Dhikrs (or "tasbeeh", words to praise, thank and remember God (Allaah) by)

2. Ramadan Checklist (a quick list of daily reminders to help you get the most reward out of Ramadan)

3. Steps to maintain focus in your Salah (prayer) : this is especially useful for taraweeh when our mind commonly get distracted (the night prayer)

4. Circumstances when your dua's have the most chance of getting accepted (locations and times)

5. Etiquette of making du'a (Ensure you are making du'as the right way)

Saturday, March 2, 2019


Have you been loving how the humble monstera leaf just blew up in the design world this past year? I still haven't jumped off that ship! I absolutely adore those trendy tropical leafyvibes and even more so a kitchen that can channel some beautiful warm natural touches. If you love those kind of kitchens with lots of plants, wood and a burst of fresh daylight while you're cooking, you would love these new printables I made! They are absolutely delightful to someone who loves organization and ensure everything is on hand and in sight during kitchen rush hour. After all, a happy kitchen makes a happy chef!

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FREE KITCHEN ORGANIZATION PRINTABLES By Craft A Doodle Doo #free #printables #home #kitchen #Organization #decor #tropical #art #storage

Monday, February 11, 2019


I'm a makeup lover through and through. That being said, a lot of makeup lovers also love other forms of art due to that artistic streak running through their veins. If I have a pretty makeup vanity to spend myself dolling up, I just feel a whole lot better during the process and not just the end result. On that note, what do you all prefer? The final result or the process of sitting down and getting ready? If the process is as a big deal to you as me, then you will love this new makeup themed wall art I designed especially for your vanity area just to give you that extra boost of confidence and prep you for the rest of the day!

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FREE MAKEUP WALL ART PRINTS #free #makeup #wall #art #prints #gallery #vanity #beauty #diy #freebies #printables

The prints all have the cutest quotes on them that will just make you smile, especially with navy, peach and gold accents in the design. Just print any one on high quality photo paper, frame and adore it as you go about your day.

FREE MAKEUP WALL ART PRINTS #free #makeup #wall #art #prints #gallery #vanity #beauty #diy #freebies #printables

PS: It is a zip folder so make sure you have a software like Winzip or 7zip to extract the files. If you still have any trouble downloading, drop me an email at miraclespyer19(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll gladly email them right over to you.

Loving the free prints and crave some more? I've got bucketloads more freebies for you here on the blog!


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Till next time, XO


Tuesday, January 22, 2019


I'm a huge proponent of eating frequently at The Cheesecake Factory; they can just get every dish down top-notch and get five-stars every time I've had the food, not to forget their most beloved food mascot: the amazing cheesecakes. That being said, I feel like their spicy chicken chipotle pasta is a bit of an underdog when it comes to the hype. I don't hear a lot of people talking about it but it is just as amazing if not more delicious than the other pastas they have on offering. It has the most sumptuous honey-glazed chicken mixed in with asparagus, crispy tortilla sticks and a sweet, smokey, spicy lip-smacking chipotle sauce. If you haven't happen to catch this on the blog before, I love tangy dishes, especialy those which have a bit of spicy and sweet.

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The Cheesecake Factory's Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta recipe #restaurant #style #delicious #Pasta #chicken #chipotle #best #copycat

Long story short, my friend originally ordered this from The Cheesecake Factory first whilst we all ordered something else. On a side note, their Baja Chicken Tacos and Bistro Shrimp are delectable too. However, following tasting this dish from my friend, I was hooked.
The home-made version can easily be called a copycat recipe-except that I didn't really have Penne pasta on hand which is what is used in the original dish as well as any asparagus. If you can get those two ingredients right, then it's pretty much a copycat recipe. I had elbow macaroni available and green beans instead of asparagus so that is what I used.


The Cheescake Factory inspired: Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta

Serves: 4-6 people
Total time: 1 hour


300g Pasta of choice (Penne is best but I had elbow macaroni available)

For the chicken marinade:
1. 450g chicken fillet in bite sized chunks
2. 1 tbsp distilled vinegar/lemon juice
3. 2 tbsp smoked chipotle seasoning
4. 1 tbsp honey
5. Salt and pepper to taste

For the sauce:
1. 3 tbsp unsalted butter
2. 1 small onion chopped
3. 1-2 bellpeppers chopped (in a mix of different colors for vibrancy)
4. Mixed frozen vegetables (the original dish calls for steaming asparagus separately and just peas for added veggies)
5. 4 cloves garlic finely chopped
6. 1/5th cup chipotle sauce
7. 2 tbsp smoked chipotle seasoning
7. 2 cups heavy cream (or substitute with half and half to make a lighter version)
8. 3 tbsp honey (or more depending on how sweet you'd like to go)
9. Whole Milk (optional)
10. Salt (to taste)
11. 150-200 g parmesan cheese + additional grated for garnish
12. Parsley flakes, dried for garnish
13. Crispy Tortilla chips, for garnish


1. Begin by cooking your pasta according to the directions on the package and keeping aside.
2. In a separate bowl, mix in the chicken chunks with the rest of the marinade ingredients and let sit for 10 minutes. Meanwhile prepare the veggies.
3. Add the butter to a non-stick sauce pan and toss in the chicken chunks flipping as needed till the surface is golden brown and cooked through.
4. Take out the chicken and keep aside. Do not clean the pan as the crusty bits from cooking the chicken give a ton of flavor. Add any additional butter if needed, otherwise toss in the bell peppers and onion, frying till translucent.
5. Add in the garlic next and fry it till it turns golden and becomes fragrant. Add the rest of the mixed vegetables until they slightly soften and then re-add the chicken back in the pan.
6. Next, mix in the two tablespoons of chipotle seasoning and the chipotle sauce and coat thoroughly. You might want to add slightly more or less depending on the heat you'd like. We love the heat to be moderately high but not too much.
7. Add in the whipped cream and bring to a boil. This is also when the sauce thickens. Add in the parmesan cheese next and keep an eye on how thick you want the sauce to go. If you find the sauce to be too thick, add in a dash of the milk to thin it down. Personally, I love the consistency of the sauce from The Cheesecake Factory. It isn't too thick that weighs your palate down but on the thinner yet still very creamy side.
     The sauce will thicken a lot more once the heat has been turned off which is something else to keep in mind when adding the milk.
8. Sprinkle on the salt according to taste and give it a final mix.

Mix in the pasta with the sauce. For plating, spoon in the creamy pasta on to the dish. Grate some extra parmesan on top and add in the crispy tortilla sticks right in the center. My tortilla chips were pre-seasoned from the package as well which made the experience so much more flavor and the crunch twice as satisfying. Finish with a sprinkling of parsley flakes and serve immediately.

The Cheesecake Factory's Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta recipe #restaurant #style #delicious #Pasta #chicken #chipotle #best #copycat

Honestly, I cannot even begin to describe the sheer, mesmerizing delight the flavors of this dish bring to me. They are so addictive which is why I'm happy I now have a homemade version and my wallet does not have to cry because The Cheesecake Factory is not exactly the most budget-friendly place to begin with :)
I also love that you can change up the protein and use the same marinade for shrimp or fish and it would still be delicious. I think I might give a try with honey-glazed shrimps next time because I adore shrimp pasta.

The Cheesecake Factory's Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta recipe #restaurant #style #delicious #Pasta #chicken #chipotle #best #copycat

The Cheesecake Factory's Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta recipe #restaurant #style #delicious #Pasta #chicken #chipotle #best #copycat

It is seriously ridiculous how tasty a little bit of sweet, spicy and smokey can combine to make something so irresistible. Remember though, portion sizes are very important :D

If you loved this recipe, you might love heading over to try other scrumptious cuisines I have recipes for on the blog. 

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Till next time, XO


Friday, December 14, 2018


Hello lovelies! I have a present for you all today. Here is a gorgeous new bundle of free giftwrap paper to jazz up your your presents. They are all sorts of sparkly (you guys know I adore gold) and the colors are nice, rich and autumnal (or winter-ish). I felt like the colors should be season-appropriate, what do you all think? Have I captured the winter palette well? If you have seen my super popular previous winter printables collection (The Better Winter Blues - check it out here for free download), you know my love for navy as well but instead of the hot fuchsia, I played with some peaches and maroons this time.

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Free Festive Giftwrap Papers by Craft A Doodle Doo #free #giftwrap #papers #Printables #party #winter #celebrate #gifts #patterns

Now we don't have snowy winters in my country and the maximum the temperature drops to is maybe 20 degrees Celsius (68F for the Americans) so we do have plenty of cool, pleasant winds blowing at least. I have never played with snow and I haven't cozied up in those huge woolly blankets either, but this is my way of capturing that winter charm- and hopefully I'll get to visit a place with snow-capped mountains and starry nights to enjoy soon, but until then: wishful thinking will do :D

Free Festive Giftwrap Papers by Craft A Doodle Doo #free #giftwrap #papers #Printables #party #winter #celebrate #gifts #patterns

Now you can use this paper for giftwrap sure- but as you can see you can also use them to customize envelopes like in the picture above or even as envelope liners. That would make a cute fun pop of color. You can also use as gift tags (I recently released a huge gift tag collection for free as well) or make some sweet cards with them (Check out ready-made printable gratitude greeting cards here). The possibilities are endless.

If you have trouble downloading, drop me an email at miraclespyer19(at)gmail(dot)com so I can send them over to you personally.


Looking for more festive downloads?

Editable Festive Holiday Tags, Watercolor Christmas card set, Printable PDF Template for favor tags, Instant digital download at Craft A Doodle Doo

Love these?


Free Art Prints, Illustrations and Graphic Resources by Craft A Doodle Doo

Follow me (so you can see the behind-the-scenes!)

Till next time, XO


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Friday, December 7, 2018


Hello there! You must have heard actions speak louder than words- but, what if you better way to combine both actions and words to make a loud statement to a bestie or loved one? Now you can by printing one of these FREE super cute greeting cards, write a custom note inside and send it over as a sweet surprise to the hubby or BFF. Take a look below:

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Free Printable Greetings Cards by Craft A Doodle Doo #free #printable #greetings #cards #gifts #party #presents #festival #celebrate #love
Aren't they adorable? You just print one on some glossy, photo paper or good ol' cardstock, fold it in half and scribble on a hand-written note to brighten up that special someone's day-easy peasy! They would pair so beautifully with a hand-crafted present as well or simply with a box of delicious chocolates. The cards are all super crisp and high-quality and the colors sure pop out at first glance. Let me know what you think, all the files are available for download as a zip folder below.
Free Printable Greetings Cards by Craft A Doodle Doo #free #printable #greetings #cards #gifts #party #presents #festival #celebrate #love

I have created tons of printables before including gift tags that you can see in my last post and dozens of pretty digital paper too. If you're looking specifically for my winter printables, head over here!

Free Printable Greetings Cards by Craft A Doodle Doo #free #printable #greetings #cards #gifts #party #presents #festival #celebrate #love

Great to send over digitally too, of course, in case you are not the conventional card-writer or feeling crafty. I personally adooooore hand-written notes. 

I have TONS more freebies waiting for you! Check them out below:

Having trouble downloading the zip file?
Drop me an email at miraclespyer19(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll send them back to you! <3

Follow me (so you can see the behind-the-scenes!)

Till next time, XO


Wednesday, October 31, 2018


I've been giving a lot of gifts lately. What can I say, they're not just fun to give but also to receive! In lieu of that, I realized, what if we need to give a present pronto and want a super quick finishing touch? You all already love my printables I keep posting all the time here (If you don't know what I'm talking about, you NEED to check out my freebie gallery here). So, I wondered- why not experiment with my own patterns and come up with a bunch of cute printable gift tags? You can  them stick on to any gift or wind a ribbon through and make them even more adorable, even if your presents are wrapped in cellophane, and you're good to go! That sound like fun? Just fill in the blank spaces with text or a lovely handwritten note and there you have it. Have a look!

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FREE PRINTABLE GIFT TAGS BY CRAFT A DOODLE DOO #free #printable #gift #tags #holidays #parties #presents #party #decor #gifts #labels #organization

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Boxes and boxes of wonderfully arranged roses on Instagram! Have you seen these? Please tell me you have because they seem absolutely viral to me, well viral as far as those super expensive yet dreamy lifestyle accounts on Instagram go. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out these beautiful rose decor pieces here, here, here and here. They look so classy, chic and expensive and  guess what- they actually are! In the UAE, a tiny box of 16 roses of these from Maison de Fleurs sets you back 385 dirhams and I made it for: 10 dirhams! Granted, mine aren't fresh roses but they look just as good and pretty. The #rosebox tag on instagram itself yeilds over 97,000 results guys, that is insane- but nowwwwwyou can DIY your own!

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DIY Viral Instragram Rose flower Box #diy #rose #box #viral #home #decor #gifts Rose decor box to make your space and style look expensive!

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Oh my, I'm SO excited to introduce you guys to these, mainly because I can't believe I haven't done desktop wallpapers, ever. It is ridiculous because I'm giving away free stuff both digital and printables on my blog, like - ALL the time, but- better late than never right? Who doesn't need a motivational boost from time to time - especially when you're tiring away on the keyboard all day and feel like you need that wee bit of lift? I gotchya covered!

Free Motivational Wallpapers by Craft A Doodle Doo #free #girly #inspirational #desktop #wallpapers #patterns #motivational #quotes #graphics #download



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